This is a quick review unit before we move into quadrilaterals. Looking over the pre-tests leads me to believe that all of retained some portion of what you know about dealing with exponents and radicals - and all of you lost much of what you knew. The review packet you started before vacation should be finished by the second class after vacation. We will spend the week reviewing and finish with a quiz.
Day 1: Review the exponent rules
when do you add, subtract, multiply?
what do you do with negative exponents?
Extra Practice: p.39-41/1-24 and p.44-47/1-19, 22
Day 2: Go over review packet
Discuss radicals and fractional exponents
Scientific Notation
HW p.10/4-7,20 & p.14/1,2,6,7,8-12 & p.18/2,5-9 & p.32/9,10 & p.57/9-11,13,15
Day 3: Practice, practice, practice (worksheets with answer keys)
HW p.33/1-8 and p.59/1-3,5,8 and p.60/1-4,6
Day 4: Quiz