We are doing an Intro to Statistics unit, focussing on types of data and how to present them. The unit is a compendium of info from (mostly) the Math 1 so we will be using handouts. The homework every night is to finish that day's handout.
09/27 Categorical Data - what is it?
10/01 Two-way Tables - a way to present categorical data
10/02 Association - beginning analysis of categorical data
10/03 Scatterplots - graphing Quantitative data
10/04 Catch-up on ideas and review
10/08 Columbus Day - no school
10/09 Quiz of Stats unit so far
10/10 Best-fit lines by hand - analysis of scatterplots
10/11 Best-fit lines by computer/calculator
10/15 Linear practice
10/16 Correlation Coefficient
10/17 Test Review
10/18 Either further review or start the next unit
10/22 Stats Unit Test